Combi Liens Synthesized by Mike and Lori after the review. 1. Provide a column with solar Ly-alpha flux at comet that was used as input to the model 2. Provide a column with longitude difference, or equivalently the time delay due to rotation between the source of the measured solar Ly-alpha and the comet. Also describe how variation of the solar Ly-alpha with heliographic latitude was handled and indicate somewhere (table column if it varies a lot) the heliographic latitude difference between measured solar Ly-alpha and comet. 3. Provide a column of r-dot used 4. Point to the source of the ephemerides for SOHO and for the comet (e.g., JPL Horizons orbit number or whatever). Can be in the overview.txt document. Note why they might be different from current HORIZONS ephemerides. 5. Prominently point out where to find the original, calibrated images from SWAN. [in overview.txt] 6. Add sentence in calibration section of overview.txt pointing out that calibration has not changed since 2011. 7. Column headings (in xml data labels) should specify 1e27 molec/sec and g at 1 AU. 8. Specify the aperture used - a column in the table if it varies within an individual comet or in the label if it is constant within each comet. 9. Clean up documentation details as described by Andrew and Scott in their presentations. 10. Fix cut and paste error on start/stop time for C/2006 M4 (SWAN) and C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake).